Homes Educated
Through door-to-door education (DTDE) assisted by DCA volunteers, we introduced waste separation concept, into organic waste, recycle waste, and residue to the community. A correct waste bin location was also delivered, by considering each education area.
Homes Educated
Through capacity building activities that have been executed in each island by community based tourism providers. We support the ecotourism concept that applied by local tourism providers, especially in their effort on reducing single use plastic and sustainable tourism activities in regard of conservation.
Involved Stakeholders
Multi-stakeholders' involvement take a big role in comprehensive waste management. Central government, local government, local community, and private sector are mostly involved in discussion and waste management roadmap designing through a forum that is held by SOSIS every month.
Our Program

Systems Change and Integration Toward Circular Economy
For these past few years, the residents of Kepulauan Seribu have growing interests in waste segregation, especially recyclable waste with increasin... Show More

Increasing Technical Capacity in Waste Management System
In terms of technical aspect, we believe everyone’s roles in waste management system is crucial, as well as enhanced technical and organizati... Show More

Multi - Stakeholder Communication Forum
Kepulauan Seribu has a unique characteristic that requires an out-of-the-box approach to solve marine debris issues. Located in the capital city wi... Show More

Innovative Business Model Promoting Package-less Products
We find a lot of products sold in supermarkets packaged in single-use plastic, paper, aluminium cans, glasses, etc, that are also easily found floa... Show More

Promoting Community-based Sustainable Marine Tourism
Kepulauan Seribu is one of 10 Kawasan Strategi Pariwisata Nasional (National Strategic Tourism Areas) in Indonesia since 2016 and is within the loc... Show More